RIP Carl the Cat

March 09, 2025

We came home from a birthday party in Raleigh, set our coats down in the kitchen, and Carl came trotting in to greet us as he always does with his trademark “ba-kow” hello. Laurie asked me to fill her water container, and I stepped over to the...


December 11, 2021

For the last few years, my old Portland pals Jeff and Jake have been conning me into creating elaborately photoshopped, snarky holiday cards for them (which has been a blast): And here's a few of our own, which always seem to...

Paper Heys, Mom Edition

December 10, 2021

I painted and sent my mom a card (almost) every day for a month in 2016. Very random assortment of watercolor messes, mostly just riffing off whatever was on my desk at the time.

Easy Peasy Peanut Lime Miso Sauce

April 25, 2018

I made this sauce back when dirt was being made and I still had hair, when I lived on Orcas Island and thought I would be a fancy cook. It’s so quick and easy and surely a completely blasphemized version from what's still being served at...

Paper Heys

January 12, 2017

More cards for holidays & shits & giggles & birthdays, 2017 edition.

Center Saul

March 26, 2016

Better Call Saul is beautifully shot, and strangely oft-centered.

Coolest Catz on the Block

October 04, 2015

Turns out my new designer coworker-pal Tom deserves Best Catsitter Award of 2015. Look at these amazing daily updates he sent me while I was gallavanting for a week in Lake Tahoe with other members of the Firebelly fam with +1’s: An Illustrated...

CAKE Bake 2015

September 03, 2015

Doodles from the annual CAKE Bake 2015.

Sketching on the Typetrain

March 05, 2015

Doodles from our 38 hour Amtrak trip to Glacier National Park, a week in an MTV cribs log cabin, and then a 38 hour train trip back. Then a few from Chicago for giggles.

Holiday Cards 2014

March 05, 2015

This year’s hand-scratched cold season cards. Red paper + Sailor brush pen + whiteout. Fun!

Up the River Rollercoaster

December 14, 2013

I love Chicago. As far as cities go, this gritty gray, snow coated, L-rumbling mash of midwest folks takes the cake. I’m heading into my sixth year here. The city is all dolled up with a fresh coat of snow makeup, bringing back the sensation...

Burning the Midnight Sketchbook

August 27, 2012

I’ve been mostly drawing in my sketchbook for the last 5 months. Here are some sketchbook droppings. The perfect manure! If this was smell-o-vision you’d have wafts of rich, rotting bark and cigar smoke oozing out.

A Leaping Fatty

August 06, 2012

In celebration of Carl passing 17 pounds this week, here he is doing some acrobatics as a kitten: He was leaping after a crumpled up piece of paper we often played catch with. His new thing is playing goalie on the ground when I try to scoot a...

Huffing the Kindle

August 04, 2012

I made mention online about reading ~3,000 pages of 7 novels on my Kindle in 2011, knowing that would spark conversation amongst my friends, many of whom are in the Amazon-and/or-ereaders-are-evil camp. I don’t blame them. I’m probably the biggest...

Five Push-ups for Blog

May 18, 2011

Poor Blog. Are you feeling old? Left behind? Still mumbling scathing invectives about Facebook and Twitter between gritted, coffee-and-cigarette-stained teeth? Still threatening to end it all, nobody cares anyway, what’s the point, anything beyond...

Most Powerful Robot Ever

September 17, 2010

Drawn by Aaron Beaty. Detail from our epic doodle battle which is my twitter background.

Weird Uncle Loot

March 30, 2010

It’s fun spoiling kids from a distance. I am a bit jealous, though maybe I’m just sending off what I would want if I were shrunk back to age 11. It’s quite possible my niece Hannah wanted a signed pro soccer ball, a 3-D MegaSmartPhone, a...

Turds for Sale—Cheap!

November 24, 2009

One of my first clients as a freelance webdesigner recently relaunched their site. This is the homepage from my design, a hand-coded site complete with custom cart and checkout, which survived for almost six years: It was replaced with this...

Eatin’ Lazy: In the Spell of the Dripping Ham Jibarito

November 09, 2009

I’ve gone to the dark side. It’s hopeless. After being somewhat of a health nut, at least food-wise, for some 15 years, I’ve switched over. Yesterday I fought back a nasty hangover with about five pounds of greasy Chinese — not much is...

Sketches from SPX 2009

October 01, 2009

My France trip is more summed up by my photos and drawings than I could ever blather about with words. Translated: I’m too lazy to relay my experiences with another journal post with more details. I said I would, but just thinking about it bores me...

Un Petit Paris Blurb

September 21, 2009

Turns out Paris isn’t the best opportunity for keeping up a journal. For better or worse, I came down with a terrible (and hopefully one-day) bug that I had to spend the entire day sleeping off. I had planned to visit comic book shops with Damien...

Bouring Ultimatuzzzzzz

September 11, 2009

In my continuing yearly movie review series, I’ve reduced the yawnsville Bourne Ultimatum to two sentences, accompanied by stills which capture the riveting camerawork: “Something happened to me.” “And I need to know what it was.”